Governments continue to subsidize fossil fuels worldwide
... driven by non-transparent market practices and lobbying by various business groups. The reasons may be very different. The truth is that few countries have been able to significantly reduce subsidies to fossil fuel producers.
This practice discourages
investment in renewable energy
, which is becoming more expensive than subsidized gas, oil or coal.
Today, the world spends twice as much on subsidizing fossil fuels ($450 billion) as it does on developing renewable energy sources ($170 billion), notes ...
Offering memorandum: project funding
... ways of investing.
A high-quality offering memorandum may become a serious trump card when looking for investors and agreeing on
The potential investor gains a clearer understanding of the transaction, making more informed and safer investment decisions due to the complete and substantiated information contained in the memorandum.
Offering memorandum in practice: definition, goals and stages
An offering memorandum is a document, the main purpose of which is to present the current ...
SPV: Special Purpose Vehicle
Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV) are becoming a key link in the implementation of large investment projects under the project finance model, playing an important role in public-private partnerships.
The term "
special purpose vehicle
" first appeared in the second half of the twentieth century, spreading around the world thanks ...
Waste processing plant financing
SWIG promotes long-term investments with a minimum project initiator contribution (10%) and offers financing for the construction of waste processing plants around the world.
Improving waste management through the integration of new technologies always means additional costs ...
Project finance in Europe / EU
SWIG Investment Group offers project finance services in Europe and beyond, helping clients to implement large projects in the energy sector, heavy industry and other industries.
Currently, the European economy is characterized by a combination of imports ...
Project finance in Malaysia
SWIG Investment Group offers project finance services in Malaysia, offering long-term loans and investment solutions in the energy sector, infrastructure, oil sector and other industries.
Malaysia, a small Asian country with great opportunities, has undergone ...
Project finance in Australia
The use of flexible project finance tools in Australia helps businesses to implement large projects in the oil and gas sector, energy and infrastructure.
The financing of investment projects has undergone a profound transformation over the past decades, driven by growing competition in world markets and technological progress.
Project finance
in Australia, once fueled by the high profitability of oil and gas projects, ...
Project finance in Canada
Our project finance services in Canada support capital-intensive projects in key sectors of the economy in the best interests of our partners.
The development of a modern economy is impossible without capital investment in infrastructure and innovative sectors such as renewable energy.
Financing large projects requires the use of new financial models that best meet the growing business requirements and the changing conditions of a highly competitive global ...
Project finance models
SWIG Investment Group supports the implementation of large investment projects based on advanced project finance models.
Thanks to the rapid development of stock markets and the expansion of the services of financial institutions, large companies today have ...
Construction finance
... large projects: 10% - contribution of the initiator.
Large business projects, be it the
construction of a solar power plant
or the modernization of wastewater treatment plants, require impeccable organization, professional supervision and significant investments.
Construction finance is associated with huge costs that project sponsors will have to incur long before the formation of stable cash flows from the project.
According to previous forecasts by
, the global construction sector could ...
Syndicated loan for business
The international company SWIG Investment Group (Spain) offers syndicated loans for the implementation of large projects in the energy, industry and infrastructure sectors.
Companies often face the challenge of finding funds to finance large projects, especially when it comes to multi-billion ...
Loan for the construction and modernization of enterprises / factories
SWIG Investment Group offers flexible loans for the construction and modernization of plants / enterprises, providing guaranteed bank financing for investment projects.
Industrial enterprises are constantly in need of equipment upgrades and expansion of production ...
Structured finance in the USA
... innovative tools for project finance, leasing, securitization, and project risk sharing.
Demonstrating growth of 10-15% annually, these tools open up new opportunities for the implementation of capital-intensive projects around the world.
Structured investment finance services in the USA is associated with world renowned financial players such as
Bank of America
and BofA Securities, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and others.
SWIG Investment Group, a financial company ...
Green transformation: how Enel and Iberdrola felt the wind of change in the energy market
Renewable energy investment is on the rise, and European energy giants like Enel and Iberdrola are leading the green transformation of the global economy.
Several years ago, Enel and Iberdrola realized where the wind of energy change was blowing, according to a
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