Coke and sulfur handling systems in refineries
... numerous impurities and by-products, which requires efficient sulfur and coke handling systems for refineries.
Separation of impurities along with the production of valuable by-products such as petroleum coke and sulfur are an integral part of any
refinery project
Financing construction and modernization of advanced coke and sulfur handling systems at refineries helps companies minimize environmental risks, as well as increase refinery efficiency and reduce operating costs
Crude oil always ...
Refineries: lending and financing
SWIG provides project finance for the construction of refineries and offers long-term loans for the modernization of refinery equipment.
In order to obtain financial resources for the development of oil production, transportation and refining, it is extremely important for management to understand the principles of the capital market, financial mechanisms and available ...
Poland refuses Russian oil thanks to investments in oil terminals
... Poland's energy independence from the Soviet Union was initiated by Gierek. In early May 1971, a decision was made to conclude a contract for a decade of Western oil supplies with British Petroleum.
This happened before the construction of the Gdansk
oil refinery
The construction of Naftoport began a year later, and in 1975 an oil infrastructure was launched in Gdansk for supplies from the USSR. At the same time, six Polish tankers were being built, which were supposed to meet the needs of Poland in ...
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