Loan financing: services of the international company Skywalk Investment Group
Skywalk Investment Group offers:
• Investment financing from $ /€ 5 million or equivalent and more
• Minimizing the contribution of the project promoter
• Investment loan term up to 20 years
• Credit guarantees
Alternatively, companies may also use leasing, factoring or short-term borrowing from customers and suppliers.
Very few companies, from small and medium-sized businesses to large global players, can freely finance all investment projects, the purchase of goods or the development of infrastructure with their own capital, which potentially reduces their liquidity.
For this reason, companies tend to resort to a loan financing tool for the implementation of capital-intensive projects.
Due to the large number of available types of loans, businesses seek to find a reliable partner who will provide professional support and mediation both in choosing the right financing instruments and in working with potential lenders.
Skywalk Investment Group offers customized schemes and models of loan financing for any needs of large businesses.
We offer the following services:
• Project finance.
• Long-term investment lending.
• Financial modeling and consulting.
• Documentary letters of credit.
• Loan guarantees, etc.
Benefit from a free initial consultation with our experts to find suitable solutions and good loan terms. Contact us anytime to get professional financial support for your projects.
Brief overview of credit financing
Credit financing is primarily understood as the use of borrowed funds for the implementation of certain projects.It serves an element of external financing of economic activities, which plays an important role in any business. With debt financing, the company receives external capital.
The investor financing the bank does not become a shareholder of the company. However, the lender returns the main part of the loan and interest. If the company goes bankrupt, the bank even has the right to part of the debtor's assets. On the other hand, the lender has no voting rights and is not responsible for the actions of the borrower.
Loan funds are provided to the borrower only for a limited period of time within the term of the loan agreement.
With loan financing, the company raises external capital for both short-term and long-term needs. While short-term debt financing gives companies the financial flexibility they need, long-term loans in large volumes can make businesses more dependent on lenders.
What should be considered when using credit instruments?
In order for a company to successfully apply for loan financing, lending institutions request appropriate collateral and detailed project documentation for review. This allows banks to ensure that the borrowing company is really creditworthy and is really able to repay the borrowed funds on the agreed terms.

Documents attached to a loan application usually include the following:
• Project business plan.
• Feasibility study.
• Profit and loss statements.
• Information about the borrower's assets.
• Debt obligations.
This information is carefully checked by credit institutions.
On this basis, the final decision is made on whether and to what extent it is acceptable to provide loan financing for a particular company.
Terms of business loan financing
A key role for business is played by the differentiation of forms of financing according to their terms.Depending on which expenses or investments are to be covered by the loan, the decision is usually made in favor of one of two options:
• Short-term loan financing includes all types of borrowed capital, which is used only for a short period of time and is repaid no later than in a few months. This kind of loan financing is usually very flexible for companies and allows businesses to overcome short-term bottlenecks in current operations.
• Long-term loan financing allows companies to make larger investments in debt financing or cover expenses over a longer period of time. This form of financing usually includes bonds or loans for a period of several years.
Short-term debt financing is critical for a company as it helps to overcome short-term difficulties.
In most cases, short-term loan agreements are very flexible and tailored to specific financial models to allow borrowers to repay current debt in a series of payments over several months.
On the other hand, long-term loan financing is suitable for the most costly investments. This explains the high capital requirements that can only be provided by third parties. This form of financing also creates a certain dependence of the company on the financing bank. On the other hand, small and medium-sized businesses get a real opportunity to finance large investments.
These are loans for at least 3-5 years, but they can be issued for up to 30 years. Usually, loans are negotiated with a fixed interest rate, but may also have floating interest rates. Companies primarily seek to use long-term loan financing to finance investments in fixed assets or refinancing.
The cost of loan financing
The real cost of loan financing is an important consideration for a potential borrower and its project partners.Banks expect to receive interest on the capital provided, and financing conditions can vary significantly depending on the type, scale and timing of the project.

Business loan financing conditions depend on the following factors:
• The creditworthiness of the borrowing company.
• The presence of assets that can serve as collateral for the loan.
• Providing loan guarantees from third parties.
• The credit risk according to the financial institution's own assessments.
• Agreed deadline and schedule for the return of funds.
• Interest rates and terms of refinancing.
• Bank financial plans.
• Other factors.
Thus, it is in the interests of the company to timely take into account a set of internal and external factors on the level of costs when planning loan financing.
To optimize cash flows and ensure financing of strategic projects, it is recommended to use the services of professionals who are able to comprehensively assess the situation, develop an individual financial model for a specific investment project and find suitable sources of capital.
Current alternatives to loan financing
There are also loan financing alternatives that can be used quickly and easily, such as supplier and customer loans, factoring or leasing.The choice of financial instruments in each case will depend on the strategic goals of financing, the scope and timing of a particular project.
As alternatives to loan financing, companies can resort to classic methods of raising capital:
• Mezzanine financing, for example, in the form of subordinated loans.
• Factoring is the sale of receivables from a factoring company at a discount. This allows the business to immediately receive the required capital from the factor.
• Equity capital is available to companies in the form of funds from investors. In this case, the investor bears the risk for the success or failure of the business project.
• Leasing is the provision of expensive equipment or machinery that is financed from outside and placed at the disposal of the lessee.
Skywalk Investment Group is ready to offer flexible business financing schemes, including long-term loan financing, project finance schemes (PF), mezzanine instruments and others.
We also develop individual financial models for large investment projects and provide consulting support to corporate clients at all stages of the project.
Contact us to find out more.